Displayed 271 - 280 of 428
Mobile Store Markets
Mobile Store Markets
Modification a mobile cart license
To enhance the continuity and expansion of the business of the beneficiaries through this service, the license data can be modified by modifying the tracks and so on.
Modification of a commercial activity license
To enhance the continuity and expansion of the commercial business of the beneficiaries through this service, the commercial license data can be amended by increasing the area of the shop or modifying the commercial activity and others.
Modify a temporary license for a mobile shop outlet
A service to modify a temporary license for a mobile shop outlet.
Multiple renewal service
In order to facilitate the beneficiaries and to ensure the continuity of sustainability in the practice of business; This service has been developed, which aims to renew more than one license related to the establishment's registry in one application.
Municipal Service Request
This service allows beneficiaries to request a new municipal service in the secretariats and municipalities through available application channels. Municipal service requests aim to provide a new service to the beneficiary to help improve their quality of life and serve them in the required and correct manner for a group of specific classifications.
"Municipality and Housing" and "Investment" sign a memorandum of understanding with the Spanish company Orbas
It aims to support, promote and implement investments in the Kingdom
"Municipality and Housing" and "Investment" sign a memorandum of understanding with the Spanish company Orbas