About open data

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About Open Data

The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing paid early attention to making data available to beneficiaries, aware of the role of data in enhancing knowledge and supporting decision-making, and began in 2009 to create a statistics page that included a time series for a few data sets of municipal sector activities and services.

With the high pace of digital transformation in the Ministry and the multiplicity of data produced by the Ministry, and in recognition of the importance of open data and its economic, social and developmental role, and in line with the relevant decisions, the need has emerged to increase the number of data sets and provide them in different formats by developing an open data page on the Ministry's official website and on other Ministry platforms.

Impact of open data availability 

  • Maximizing the use of data by making it available to beneficiaries in different formats that can be processed and analyzed
  • Raising awareness of the efforts of the municipal sector in improving the services provided 
  • Raising the satisfaction of the beneficiary by providing the service faster and according to a specific and regular publication periodicity 

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