Privacy Policy

Privacy notice

The portal of the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing puts the confidentiality of the information of its users and visitors at the top of the list of priorities, and our goal is to provide a high quality service to all beneficiaries. This privacy notice has been drafted to help you understand the nature of the personal data we collect from you and the purpose of collecting and processing that data. It is important that you are aware of how the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing uses your personal data and your rights regarding the processing of your personal data, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in the Kingdom Saudi Arab.


The beneficiary of the Ministry's services and the visitors of the electronic portal and all platforms (or channels) provided for the service must constantly review the privacy notice when there are any updates on it. Note that the Ministry is not required to announce any updates to this notice, and your use of the portal means your knowledge and approval of it, and the continuous modifications that are made to it. You are solely responsible for the completeness, correctness and truthfulness of the data that you send through this portal.


1/ What personal data is collected?

The following are examples of the main types of personal data collected:

        The data that you provide to us and that are required when registering in the channels provided by the Ministry (such as names, personal identification numbers, addresses, contact numbers, personal property data, user photos, etc.).

• Data exchanged during our communication with you (such as requests for customer support services and communications received from you).

• Cookie data: (such as data collected by website logs, technologies, cookies, or similar technologies).

• Customer location data: (such as data that helps us resolve complaints related to services provided by the Ministry).


2/ How is personal data collected?

Some of the personal data we process is obtained directly or indirectly, using various methods which may include:

Methods of obtaining personal data directly:

• Products or Services: When registering in the Ministry's official channels and using our products or services, for example (construction permit services, commercial activities license services, completion services, sustainable building services, and others).

• Communication: When communicating with the Ministry, through the electronic portal or through mobile applications.

• Opinion polls: When publishing opinion polls, personal data may be collected as this data is used to conduct analyzes and research, for the purpose of developing services provided by the Ministry and improving customer experience. We may require other information to fulfill development requirements.

• Methods of obtaining personal data indirectly:

• Cookie Data: These cookies collect data about how you use our website, including the date and time of your visit, and the type of Internet browser you use.

• Personal data may be obtained from other governmental or non-governmental sources, including but not limited to: Absher services, Yakeen...etc.


3/ Why do we collect and use your personal data (Purposes)?

We collect and use your personal data for several reasons, for example:

• Complete the data required to provide services (such as commercial license services, completion services, and other services).

• Allowing beneficiaries to access government services and conduct transactions.

• Understanding customer needs to improve products and services.

• Resolve and address inquiries or complaints that you may have and improve the customer experience through all the Ministry's communication channels.

• Collect and process personal data to meet legal and regulatory requirements.

• Analyzing data and issuing internal reports that serve the necessary business requirements. For example, statistical reports.


4/ How does the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing share your personal data?

Data is shared for legitimate purposes based on a legal basis or a justified practical need aimed at achieving a public interest without harming national interests, activities of entities, privacy of individuals, or safety of the environment - with the exception of data and entities that are excluded by royal orders.


5/ How do we store your personal data?

Personal data is stored and processed securely within the geographical borders of the Kingdom to ensure the preservation of digital national sovereignty for this data. After that, personal data is disposed and destroyed in a safe manner that prevents its loss, misuse or unauthorized access, in accordance with the regulations and instructions regulating this.


6/ Your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data

In accordance with the personal data protection policy issued by the data office at the Ministry, you have the following rights, which mainly depend on the purpose of collecting and processing personal data:

• The right to access your personal data: You have the right to request a copy of your personal data through the available channels to access the data.

• The right to know: The data owner has the right to inform him of the purpose of collecting and processing his personal data and the legal basis considered for this purpose, and the content of the data to be processed, the method of collecting it, the method of saving it, and to whom it will be disclosed (as the privacy notice is one of the possible means through which the data owner can data exercising this right).

• The right to correct your personal data: You have the right to request the correction of your personal data that you deem to be inaccurate, incorrect or incomplete, through the channels approved by the Ministry.

For more details on the processing of your personal data and how to exercise your rights, you can view the policies and standards issued by the National Data Management Office and approved by the Data Office at the Ministry.


7/ How do you file a complaint or objection?

In the event of any complaints or inquiries about the privacy notice, you can contact via e-mail:

Last update date: - Saudi Arabia