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Common Questions

General questions

Manage the account in my country and use the electronic services
  • Is there an SMS feature through which the beneficiary is notified of the status of his application?

    The Balady platform offers the capability to send SMS notifications to beneficiaries at various stages and for specific aspects of the service, thereby enhancing the interactive experience for users.
  • Does the portal enable the user to customize services and add favorite services on the user page (services customization page, favorite services)?

    A mechanism is available for customizing favorite services by accessing the desired service and clicking on the "Add to Favorites" icon. Beneficiaries can view their favorites by accessing their personal profile.
  • How can specialized services be accessed on the Balady platform?

    After the issuance of the commercial license, the beneficiary is notified of the option to start issuing permits related to the license through SMS messages sent to the mobile number registered in Absher and to their email.

Licensing procedures

Everything related to municipal licensing procedures in terms of conditions or requirements
  • a cadastral decision has been issued, and the client has purchased the land adjacent to him and wants to annex the plot adjacent to the cadastral decision. What is the procedure?

    The plots must be merged first, after applying for another cadastral decision.
  • A building permit has been issued, and I want to add a role and delete a component, which is the appendix. What should I do?

    You can amend the building permit after issuance by applying for the service of adding and amending building components.
  • How do I issue a commercial license from Balady site?

    You can visit the following link: https://balady.gov.sa/Services/Terms?id=23
  • What is the necessary procedure in case of duplicate licenses?

    It is possible to apply for the service of deleting a duplicate license through the support services.

Technical problems

Solutions to technical problems and any problem related to procedures

  • Can two licenses be issued on the same site?

    Municipality license for the same site, provided that the requirements of the municipality are applied.
  • How is the end of the license and the end of payment determined?

    It is determined from the start date of the license, the number of license years and the number of repayment years.
  • Is it possible to issue a demolition permit if the building does not have a building permit?

    Yes, a building demolition permit can be issued after issuing a survey decision for the purpose of (demolition).
  • What are the available channels for submitting a complaint?

    1. Balady application.
    2. Balady website.
    3. Call Center 199040.
    4. Social media channels.
    5. WhatsApp (0548368888 – 0126149779).

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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