The Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs, and Housing aim to attract the best human resources for both sexes. The Ministry's vision is empowering the individual and society, upgrading the labor market through development and legislation, and enabling the Ministry to provide a distinguished experience for the beneficiaries. Where prefer to open the way for all males and females to apply for the available job opportunities, believing in providing open opportunities that provide everyone at work and achieving the principle of gender equality.
Planned recruitment for the year 2023:
Job seekers, who are Saudi citizens, can register their personal data, qualifications, and work experience, along with attaching the necessary documents, electronically, through the Unified national platform for employment (Jadarat)
current jobs
There are no current jobs available
Volunteer Opportunities:
Within the framework of achieving the objectives of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 in volunteer work, it implements volunteer opportunities on the work platform, which is a Saudi incubator that provides a safe environment that serves and regulates the relationship between the agencies providing volunteer opportunities and volunteers in the Kingdom, as volunteering is a vital feature of society in activating the energies of society, and enriching the country with the achievements of its children And their forearms. Through the volunteer work platform