?A beneficiary who has no errors or violations in construction. Will the beneficiary be violated if does not obtain a compliance certificate
A building permit has been issued, and I want to add a role and delete a component, which is the appendix. What should I do?
a cadastral decision has been issued, and the client has purchased the land adjacent to him and wants to annex the plot adjacent to the cadastral decision. What is the procedure?
About Balady
Official assignment to the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing:
The Ministry of Municipalities & Housing Was Established In 1395 AH / 1975 AD By Royal Decree No. (A / 266) Dated 10/8/1395 AH, The Ministry is responsible for the urban planning of the Kingdom's cities, and the implications of providing roads, and essential equipment. It also enhances cities, develops municipal and rural areas, and manages the required services to maintain environmental cleanliness and health in the Kingdom.
About open data
The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing paid early attention to making data available to beneficiaries, aware of the role of data in enhancing knowledge and supporting decision-making, and began in 2009 to create a statistics page that included a time series for a few data sets of municipal sector activities and services.
Accepting the transfer of ownership of a commercial license
Accommodation Facilities Occupancy Fees Platform
facility owners or responsible parties in registering their establishments and
managing monthly occupancy declarations, making payments based on the facility’s
category, and generating and printing the necessary reports, without the need to visit
the authority.