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تاريخ التحديث

Online Instrument Update

It is a service that aims to enable the owner of the electronic real estate deed within the approved schemes to link the electronic deed to the real estate identity without the need to visit the Municipality, the affiliated municipality or the Ministry of Justice through the electronic link with the Ministry of Justice.

Issuing a building restoration permit

The process of restoring a building to its previous good condition through technical repair to address one or more defects in the building in order to sustain it, without adding a new component or changing the structural elements of the building.
Government agencies
Real estate
Engineering offices

Request for Qualification to Provide Public Health Pest Control Services

It is a service that helps the beneficiary to submit a qualification request to provide public health pest control services so that he is able to provide the service after obtaining the qualification certificate.

Intercept service

A service that enables the beneficiary to submit his objection to the municipal fines imposed on him during the monitoring visits during the regular objection period.

Create new healthy certification

A service for healthy certification for workers in foods and public health facilities such as (restaurant,barber shop,laundry ,clothing, etc ...).
Health education
Medical checkup

Municipal Service Request

This service allows beneficiaries to request a new municipal service in the secretariats and municipalities through available application channels. Municipal service requests aim to provide a new service to the beneficiary to help improve their quality of life and serve them in the required and correct manner for a group of specific classifications.

General Inquiries Service

This service involves receiving inquiries from beneficiaries regarding one of the municipal sector's services sent through available channels (application/municipality portal or call center) and responding to them by the relevant authority in the ministry, with the possibility of enhancing it by consulting the ministry's agency or the customer service department of the relevant secretariat.

Submitting a Report

This service allows the client to submit a note (report) for processing by the relevant authority in the municipal sector, according to specific classifications.

Comments & suggestions

For any inquiries or comments on municipal services, please fill in the required information

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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