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Issuing a commercial license- fast track
Through this service, starting a business by issuing a commercial activity license, in addition to a public safety permit for defense and commercial activities affiliated to the Ministry of Municipalities & Housing, and the fast track aims to provide a distinguished experience in the stage of issuing licenses through partnership with engineering offices, classified and approved for licensing services commercial.
Issuing a group housing license for individuals
This service allows owners and tenants of real estate to issue a license for collective housing for individuals. This service contributes to ensuring that the collective housing for individuals adheres to the health, technical and safety requirements that must be available in housing.
Issuing a sales outlet license inside an approved market.
A procedure that results in the issuance of a license for a mobile store outlet within an approved market.
Issuing a site preparation license
A procedure resulting in the issuance of a site preparation license.
Issuing a technical report
A service for which a "technical report" is issued, which is a requirement for a number of construction services.
Issuing an occupancy certificate
A service that allows beneficiaries to issue occupancy for existing buildings "construction completion".
Modification a mobile cart license
To enhance the continuity and expansion of the business of the beneficiaries through this service, the license data can be modified by modifying the tracks and so on.
Modification of a commercial activity license
To enhance the continuity and expansion of the commercial business of the beneficiaries through this service, the commercial license data can be amended by increasing the area of the shop or modifying the commercial activity and others.
Modify a temporary license for a mobile shop outlet
A service to modify a temporary license for a mobile shop outlet.
Multiple renewal service
In order to facilitate the beneficiaries and to ensure the continuity of sustainability in the practice of business; This service has been developed, which aims to renew more than one license related to the establishment's registry in one application.