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تاريخ التحديث

Correction of building permit data

A service that allows the beneficiary to submit a request to correct license data and send it to the licensing supervisor in the municipality/secretariat for approval or rejection.
Government agencies
Real estate
Engineering offices

Create a Request

A service for merging and fragmenting residential lands within an approved scheme.
Engineering offices

Create a scheme approval request

A service for approving private land division schemas within the urban scope.
Government agencies
Real estate
Engineering offices

Create new healthy certification

A service for healthy certification for workers in foods and public health facilities such as (restaurant,barber shop,laundry ,clothing, etc ...).
Health education
Medical checkup

Diagnostic Review for Real Estate Developers

An electronic service provided on the Baladi platform, which is a service that helps decision-makers understand the current challenges facing developers so that we can contribute to securing the required support and provide recommendations tailored to improve and develop skills and design transitional plans to address challenges and help raise skills and advance the real estate market in the Kingdom as part of achieving the vision. Without the need to review the entity.

Electronic Appointment Booking

An electronic service provided through the Balady Platform, enabling beneficiaries to book an online appointment for visiting the municipality or municipal offices. A confirmed appointment is required before attending to complete municipal transactions. In certain cases, a municipal employee may book an appointment on behalf of the beneficiary to facilitate the process. Some transactions can be completed without requiring the beneficiary to visit in person, as the assigned employee will contact the applicant by phone to resolve the issue if possible, or confirm attendance without the need for an in-person visit to the government authority.

Electronic Contracting Service

An electronic service available on the Balady platform, enabling license holders to find a waste transporter registered with the municipality and enter into an electronic waste management contract without the need for an in-person visit.

Emergency Excavation Permit

An electronic service provided to service agencies across the Kingdom, such as telecommunications, electricity and water companies, allowing their representatives within project coordination offices to submit a request to obtain an emergency excavation permit to repair a sudden fault resulting from (subsidence, electrical or telephone cable outage, or breakage in water, sewage or gas lines) without the need to visit the agency.

Emergency Project Coordination Request

An electronic service available on the Balady Platform, designed for government and private sector entities across the Kingdom, allowing them to submit Emergency Project Coordination Requests for unscheduled projects at any time of the year through the Balady Portal. The request undergoes a coordination and approval cycle, and upon approval by the Coordination Office, it is forwarded to the Municipality Mayor for final approval or rejection. If approved, the project is added to the project plan, and an approved Coordination Report is issued, which serves as a requirement for obtaining a construction permit. This service is provided electronically without the need for an in-person visit to the government authority.

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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