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تاريخ التحديث

Are there fees for sidewalk occupancy services?

Yes, there are fees, and you can inquire through the information fee calculator by visiting the following link:

Are there conditions for issuing a fencing license (vacant land) container contract?

According to the municipality's requirements, and among the requirements for applying for the service is to attach a container contract for a company qualified by the Secretariat and issued by the Engineering Office.

?Are existing buildings required to obtain the CBC

Yes, buildings shall be required to meet all the standards required to obtain a CBC after the expiry of the remedy period for the buildings specified in the Geographical Explorer for the CBC on the Balady platform.

?Are buildings under construction required to obtain a CBC Certificate

The CBC Certificate shall be issued directly for new buildings along with the issuance of the Occupancy Certificate.

?Are all old and new buildings (residential or commercial) required to obtain a CBC Certificate

Buildings located on the streets and roads shown in the Geographical Explorer of the Building Compliance Certificate shall obtain a CBC certificate.

Approval Platform

An electronic service available on the Balady Platform, serving as one of the components of the Nasseq Platform. It includes various services and processes within the Excavation Platform, such as team management, incoming requests, permissions, and settings, all without the need for an in-person visit to the government authority.

Approval of Infrastructure for the Communications, Space, and Technology Commission

An electronic service available on the Balady platform, allowing real estate developers to apply for the approval of infrastructure for the Communications, Space, and Technology Commission without the need for an in-person visit.

Approval / Rejection - Commissioner

The service allows the approval or rejection of the delegate.
  • 543 results found

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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