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Is it possible to modify the commercial activity without renewing the license?

It is not possible to modify the activity, and it is possible to add a homogeneous activity.

Is it possible to modify the license after submitting the application?

Yes, the license can be modified after submitting the application.

Is it possible to notify the beneficiary about the stages of the "specialized services" request?

Yas, the status of requests can be tracked by logging into the Balady platform, navigating to the beneficiary's 'Dashboard' and clicking on the 'information of interest icon

Is it possible to print the QR code in case there is a suspension on the commercial register?

Yes, the beneficiary can fill in the QR code data and print it in case there is a suspension on the commercial register.

Is it possible to submit a request to renew the commercial license if the commercial registration has expired?

It is not possible to submit a request to renew a license if the commercial registration has expired, and the Ministry of Commerce must refer to the renewal of the commercial registration.

Is it required to attach the building permit when issuing a commercial license?

The building permit is among the attachments required while applying for the service of issuing a commercial license, and it requires a license based on the activity. You can apply for the service through the following link:

Is it required to issue a cadastral decision to serve a technical report?

Yes, you can issue a technical report with a license or cadastral decision, according to the (required purpose).
  • 428 results found

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