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How can the freelance work certificate be renewed after renewing the mobile cart license?
The freelance work certificate is proactively issued upon renewing the mobile cart license .
How is an establishment documented on the Accommodation Platform?
The documentation of an establishment is done through the Balady portal. After logging into the platform, select the "Establishment Management" icon, then the "Actions" icon, followed by the "Edit" icon. After that, enter the establishment’s details for documentation and confirm the accuracy of the entered data.
How is the account manager's relationship with the establishment verified?
It is verified through integration with the commercial registration data from the Ministry of Commerce, ensuring that the account manager's identity is listed within the commercial registration records.
How is the classification certificate modified?
The user submits a modification request via the Classification Grade Modification Service, and the system processes the request to issue a new certificate if the conditions are met.
● Modifications are allowed starting from the 91st day after issuance and up to 90 days before expiration.
● One modification is permitted every three months.
● Any number of modifications can be made within the allowed period.
● A new version of the certificate is issued with the same certificate number and expiration date (only the version number, classification grade, and activities are updated).
● A new financial and technical evaluation is required.
● Modifications are allowed starting from the 91st day after issuance and up to 90 days before expiration.
● One modification is permitted every three months.
● Any number of modifications can be made within the allowed period.
● A new version of the certificate is issued with the same certificate number and expiration date (only the version number, classification grade, and activities are updated).
● A new financial and technical evaluation is required.
How is the craft license issued for institute graduates?
The license is issued instantly once they are registered by the institute
How is the end of the license and the end of payment determined?
It is determined from the start date of the license, the number of license years and the number of repayment years.
How is the medical examination result verified before issuing the health certificate?
The worker undergoes a medical examination at a certified medical center. The medical center updates the medical examination status on the Sehha platform. Through integration between Balady and Sehha, the health status is updated as Fit or Unfit.
How is the site modified after changing the store's location?
The license cannot be transferred to another site, and you can cancel the license and apply for the service of issuing a new license.
?How long is a CBC certificate valid for
The duration of the certificate is (3) years from the date of issuance.
How much are the fees for issuing or renewing a CBC Certificate?
No municipal fees for the Compliance Certificate or procedures for issuing it in the municipal sector.