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تاريخ التحديث

Event site permit service

This service allows submitting a request to issue a residence permit for an event to the event organizer, including the location of the event and the duration of the event.

Excavation Permits

The service allows issuing various types of excavation permits

General Inquiries Service

This service involves receiving inquiries from beneficiaries regarding one of the municipal sector's services sent through available channels (application/municipality portal or call center) and responding to them by the relevant authority in the ministry, with the possibility of enhancing it by consulting the ministry's agency or the customer service department of the relevant secretariat.

Group housing license renewal service

This service allows real estate owners and tenants to renew the collective housing license for individuals, and to enhance the continuity and quality of housing.
Real estate
Housing check
Engineering offices

Group housing permit modification service

To enhance the continuity and expansion of work for real estate owners and tenants, through this service, the data of the collective housing license for individuals linked to the establishment register can be modified by increasing the area of ​​the real estate and others.
Real estate
Housing check
Engineering offices

Group residence permit cancellation service

A service that enables owners and tenants of real estate to cancel licenses for collective housing for individuals that are linked to the establishment's registry.
Real estate
Housing check
Engineering offices

Health certificate renewal

An electronic service provided on the Baladi platform that issues health certificate renewals for workers in food and public health establishments, such as (restaurant, salons, barber shop, laundry,...), Without the need to review the entity.
Health education
Medical checkup

Incoming Requests

The service allows tracking and updating incoming requests for coordination of infrastructure works

Inquiry about Requirements and Restricted Areas for Collective Housing Licenses

The service allows inquiring about the requirements and prohibited areas for group housing permits, which contributes to automating and accelerating the issuance of group housing licenses and identifying available places that comply with the requirements.

Interactive Map

It is a service provided to government agencies and private agencies across the Kingdom, as it enables them to review requests and reports issued for projects of all types on the interactive map. It is characterized by showing a statement of temporal/spatial conflicts on the map by providing the possibility of searching with different search parameters and searching with visual excellence standards according to a change. Time zone directly on the interactive map.

Comments & suggestions

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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