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Submitting a Report
An electronic service available on the Balady platform, allowing individuals to register a complaint or observation related to municipal services. The report is then processed by the relevant authority, without the need for an in-person visit.
Inquiry About Transactions Service
An electronic service available on the Balady platform, allowing beneficiaries to track administrative correspondence transactions recorded in the Murasilat system across the Ministry and its affiliated municipalities. The service is linked to the central administrative communication system at the Ministry, without the need to visit the authority.
General Inquiry Service
An electronic service available on the Balady platform, allowing beneficiaries to submit inquiries about municipal sector services through available channels (Balady app/portal or call center). The inquiries are reviewed and responded to by the relevant department at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, with the option of escalation to the Ministry’s agency or customer service department if needed, without the need to visit the authority.
Requesting a Municipal Service
An electronic service available on the Balady platform that allows beneficiaries to request new municipal services from municipalities and relevant authorities through various submission channels. These requests aim to enhance the quality of life and provide proper municipal services for different categories, without the need to visit the authority.
My Requests - Customer Relationship System
An electronic service on the Balady platform that enables beneficiaries to track their municipal service requests submitted to municipalities and relevant authorities through various submission channels, without the need to visit in person.