Displayed 1 - 10 of 12
Service of Selling Copies of Approved Land Schemes
An electronic service provided on the Balady platform, enabling individuals, institutions, real estate developers, and engineering offices to apply for purchasing a copy (paper or electronic) of approved land schemes from the municipality without the need to visit the entity.
Choosing and Reserving a Cemetery
A service that allows the beneficiary to choose and reserve a cemetery on a specific date and specific prayer time without benefiting from the transportation and preparation service for the deceased or the need to communicate with the Department of Honoring the Dead.
Registration of a Request for Transport and Preparation of the Dead
A service that allows the beneficiary to submit a request to transport and prepare the dead to the Department of Honoring the Dead so that the cemetery can be reserved, and the entity carries out the transport and preparation procedures on a specific date and time of prayer.
Follow-up on the Status of Transporting and Preparing the Dead
A service that allows the beneficiary to review the details of the data and status of the request for transportation and preparation of the dead that was submitted by him.
Detailed Land Scheme Approval
An electronic service available on the Balady platform that allows land scheme owners and holders of preliminary approval decisions to apply for and obtain detailed land scheme approvals from relevant service authorities in accordance with planning regulations, without the need to visit the authority.
Preliminary Approval Service
An electronic service available on the Balady platform that facilitates the approval of private land subdivision plans within urban boundaries, without the need to visit the authority.
Print a burial certificate
A service that allows the beneficiary to print a burial certificate on Ikram platform.
Inquiry about the grave of a deceased
This service aims to inquire about the location of a deceased's grave by searching by the name of the deceased, and reviewing the following query results: the deceased's full name, the name of the cemetery, the city of burial, and the date of burial.