● The user selects City Service Providers Classification from the list of services
on the Balady platform.
● The beneficiary clicks the Start Service button on the Renewal of
Classification Certificate service card and accesses the system.
● The Main Business Classification screen appears.
● The beneficiary chooses the type of classification: Establishments
Classification or Engineering Offices Classification.
● The beneficiary enters the Unified National Number for establishments or the
License Number for engineering offices and clicks Verify.
● The system checks whether the certificate is set to expire within 90 days. If
so, the beneficiary can proceed by clicking Next.
● The system retrieves establishment data from the Ministry of Commerce,
displaying classified activities and fields. The beneficiary clicks Next to
● The Technical Grade screen appears, where the beneficiary selects the fields
for classification.
● After selecting the fields, a section appears for each chosen field, requiring
the beneficiary to complete the Technical Evaluation Requests before clicking
● The system displays the Project Data and Performance Record screen
(optional), allowing establishments to enter project details or skip this step by
clicking Next.
● The Credit Classification screen appears, where the beneficiary selects a
classification track and enters the required data.
● After completing all requirements, the beneficiary submits the application by
clicking Submit.
● The system sends the request to the General Classification Administration for
● Once approved, the beneficiary can print the Classification Certificate.
● The establishment must hold a classification certificate that will expire within
90 days or less.
● The certificate must be expired.