● The user selects City Service Providers Classification from the list of services on the Balady platform.
● The user logs into the system.
● The beneficiary selects the classification type and applicant status and enters the required information.
● The system displays all requests submitted by the beneficiary, allowing them to view request statuses. Beneficiaries can also replace the applicant by clicking (Replace Applicant).
● If the beneficiary clicks (Replace Applicant), they must enter the required details and click (Submit).
● The system displays (Project Evaluation Requests), allowing beneficiaries to check the status of evaluations.
● All submitted requests appear in a table format, with action buttons next to each request, including:
●(Submit a Grievance Request)
● (Update Activities)
● (Update Certificate Details)
● (Edit Contact Information)
● If the beneficiary clicks (Submit a Grievance Request), a popup window appears displaying all classification details. The beneficiary selects the relevant classification fields for appeal, enters the required details, and clicks (Submit).
● If the beneficiary clicks (Update Certificate Details), they can update the (establishment name) or (owner’s name).
● If the beneficiary clicks (Update Activities), they can modify activities, which will be retrieved based on the contractor’s classified fields.
● If the beneficiary clicks (Edit Contact Information), a popup window appears displaying the establishment’s contact details. After completing the required information and clicking (Update), the system updates the data in the database.
● The beneficiary can view certificate reports and applicant updates through the (My Requests) service.
The beneficiary must have previously submitted requests.