Services Statistics

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Statistics of services provided

service Channels
Number of Services

The total number of services provided

The total number of electronic services





E-Services Maturity Statistics

E-Services Maturity Statistics Number of Services Percentage
Integrative Services 69 26.04%
Procedural Services 113 42.64%
Interactive Services 27 10.19%
Informatics Services 56 21.13%
The Total 256 100%

Statistics of Services Provided

User Satisfaction Rate
Completion Rate
Digital Acquisition
Total Orders

The total number of services provided




Services Performance Statistics (2022)

Transactions / Digitization Rate - 2022 / Service Completion Rate
Service completion rate The number of transactions through the electronic service Total number of service requests digital acquisition beneficiary satisfaction electronic services
100,00% 60091 60091 100% 77,66 Disclaimer
100,00% 3982 3982 100% 83,2 Cancellation of excavation permit
100,00% 183 183 100% 96,42 Stop drilling permit
100,00% 149 149 100% 75,86 Excavation work resumed
100,00% 440 440 100% 92 Replace part of a path
100,00% 582 582 100% 66,73 Replace the drilling scheme
100,00% 475 475 100% 93,72 Replace the entire path
100,00% 17094 17094 100% 80,22 Issuing an emergency excavation permit
100,00% 115661 115661 100% 78,76 Issuing a regular excavation permit
100,00% 3724 3724 100% 77,52 Pre-coordinated excavation version
100,00% 2339 2339 100% 85,59 Renewal of drilling permit
100,00% 13 13 100% 100 Suspension of emergency drilling start
100,00% 314,895 314,895 100% 83,16 Coordination report
100,00% 17261 17261 100% 81,99 Extension of the excavation permit
100,00% 88 88 100% 46,15 Delete a drill path
100,00% 67893 67893 100% 79,55 Business completion certificate
100,00% 86996 86996 100% 95,2 Enter an old construction license
100,00% 12305 12305 100% 93,73 Issuing a technical report
100,00% 110620 110620 100% 92,36 Issuance of a building permit
100,00% 4763 4763 100% 93,6 Issuance of a license to rectify the status of an existing building
100,00% 138480 138480 100% 96,04 Issuing a works certificate
100,00% 56558 56558 100% 94,24 Add and modify building permit components
100,00% 9942 9942 100% 93,73 Renewal of a building permit
100,00% 223 223 100% 92,9 Site preparation
100,00% 12829 12829 100% 91,74 Correction of construction license data
100,00% 8548 8548 100% 93,83 Amendment of building permit information
100,00% 2756 2756 100% 87,37 Restoration license
100,00% 1154 1154 100% 92,4 Demolition license
100,00% 250 250 100% 89,57 Sort licenses
100,00% 14573 14573 100% 93,94 Immediate building permit ownership transfer
100,00% 16485 16485 100% 85,15 Cancellation of a health certificate
100,00% 577584 577584 100% 86,3 Issuing a health certificate
100,00% 113979 113979 100% 75,42 Health certificate renewal
100,00% 969 969 100% 92,74 Enter an old cadastral decision
100,00% 174064 174064 100% 91,27 Issuing a survey decision
100,00% 31016 31016 100% 91,7 Modifying a cadastral decision
100,00% 500102 500102 100% 94,02 Issuance of a commercial license
100,00% 308254 308254 100% 89,58 Cancellation of a commercial license
100,00% 21366 21366 100% 91,63 Multiple commercial renewal
100,00% 683622 683622 100% 94,24 Renewal of a commercial license
100,00% 20461 20461 100% 92,89 Update trade license information
100,00% 347,580 347,580 100% 93,92 QR code registration
100,00% 245061 245061 100% 94,26 Amendment of a commercial license
100,00% 86473 86473 100% 96,6 Transfer of business license ownership

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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