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تاريخ التحديث

Biban Showroom, Riyadh

Biban is concerned with creating the appropriate environment for existing small and medium-sized enterprises to ensure their continuity and growth, and stimulates the entry of new enterprises into the market by containing entrepreneurs and those interested in the field of business, establishing projects and bypassing the stages of incorporation smoothly, and identifying the stages of attracting investors, and the steps of procedures of government agencies and support and empowerment agencies.

(14 votes)

Balady Store

A group of municipal services available through the “Balady” application, and contribute to accelerating the pace of providing municipal services to urban residents with innovative business m


"Balady" Application: A Creative Vision for Business Owners and Commercial Entities

In a world where technological advancements are accelerating, daily life has become easier and more flexible thanks to technology.

Service updates

Baladi Business

An electronic service provided on the Baladi platform, which is an integrated platform that supports all types of service providers. It enables service providers to offer high-quality services to the public and enhances communication between service providers and service seekers. The platform also contains all the services that a service provider may need, all in one place, without the need to visit the relevant authority.

?Are there solutions compatible with the Building Compliance Certificate Procedures Manual Draft for placing split air conditioners on building facades

Coordination is being made with the engineering office to provide engineering solutions to address the elements required for the CBC certificate.

Are there restaurants and cafes that offer hookah and tobacco products?

This can be done after applying the requirements and obtaining a permit to provide tobacco products.

?Are there penalties if a CBC certificate is not issued

If the building is in the area specified in the phase I, a fine amounted of (SAR 5,000) shall be applied in the event that a Compliance Certificate is not issued for the building after the expiry of the remedy period.
  • 543 results found

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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