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?Are there penalties if a CBC certificate is not issued
If the building is in the area specified in the phase I, a fine amounted of (SAR 5,000) shall be applied in the event that a Compliance Certificate is not issued for the building after the expiry of the remedy period.
?How long is a CBC certificate valid for
The duration of the certificate is (3) years from the date of issuance.
?Can I obtain a compliance certificate for my building if it is outside the priority areas
Yes, it is possible and the service is available to all commercial buildings.
?How can I know whether or not my building shall obtain a certificate
You can know that through using the Geographical Explorer service to issue a CBC certificate.
?Are all old and new buildings (residential or commercial) required to obtain a CBC Certificate
Buildings located on the streets and roads shown in the Geographical Explorer of the Building Compliance Certificate shall obtain a CBC certificate.
How much are the fees for issuing or renewing a CBC Certificate?
No municipal fees for the Compliance Certificate or procedures for issuing it in the municipal sector.
?Are buildings under construction required to obtain a CBC Certificate
The CBC Certificate shall be issued directly for new buildings along with the issuance of the Occupancy Certificate.
When does the remedy period expire for existing buildings to obtain? a CBC
The deadline ends on 02/18/2024 AD.
?Are existing buildings required to obtain the CBC
Yes, buildings shall be required to meet all the standards required to obtain a CBC after the expiry of the remedy period for the buildings specified in the Geographical Explorer for the CBC on the Balady platform.
?What are the standards for CBC
Standards are outlined in the Building Compliance Certificate Procedures Manual Draft.