Displayed 161 - 170 of 191
?If an entire building is rented under a long-term contract and the building landlord refuses to obtain a Building Compliance Certificate, are the penalties imposed on the landlord or the tenant? And does the tenant under a long-term contract have the
Penalties shall be imposed on the landlord, and the landlord may authorize the tenant to obtain the CBC certificate.
?Is there a conflict in requirements between the Compliance Certificate and the special building code applied in some neighborhoods (such as the Diriyah building code)
No conflict between the CBC certificate requirements and other codes.
?If the landlord of the plot rented it to another person who built a building on it, who is responsible for obtaining the CBC certificate
The building license holder shall be responsible for obtaining the Compliance Certificate.
?If the property has been purchased and there are some violations on this building that prevent the issuance of a Compliance Certificate due to the old landlord? What is the procedure followed to address this matter
The new landlord shall correct the violations on the building.
?Does the building occupancy certificate (construction completion) replace the Building Compliance Licensing
No, each certificate has its own requirements.
?Is it necessary to have a Building Compliance Certificate when purchasing a residential or commercial property
It is not from the requirements of buying or selling a property nor is it required, but it is better to make sure it is available.
?May the ownership of the Building Compliance Certificate be transferred
The ownership may be transferred if the certificate is valid.
?There is an old commercial building located in the priority areas, and some elements cannot be addressed, so what is the solution
The landlord shall coordinate with the engineering office to find engineering solutions and address the elements of the CBC Certificate.
?Who is responsible for obtaining the Building Compliance Certificate?
The building landlord under the title deed or the landlord in a legal capacity such as the landlords’ union shall be responsible for obtaining the Certificate.