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Is it possible to notify the beneficiary about the stages of the "specialized services" request?
Yas, the status of requests can be tracked by logging into the Balady platform, navigating to the beneficiary's 'Dashboard' and clicking on the 'information of interest icon
Is a proactive notification feature available for beneficiaries after submitting a request through the Balady platform?
Yes, the beneficiary is proactively notified via SMS to their mobile number and by email. Relevant services can also be accessed through the beneficiary’s dashboard.
Is the freelance work certificate issued proactively upon the issuance of a mobile cart license?
Yes, the freelance work certificate is issued proactively after completing the mobile cart license issuance request and settling the invoice.
?If the landlord of the plot rented it to another person, who built a building on it, who is responsible for obtaining the CBC certificate
The building license holder shall be responsible for obtaining the Compliance Certificate.
?In the event that the landlord has violations of the commercial boards, they are not conforming. Does the shop owner bear the responsibility for violations
The shop owner, in coordination with the landlord, shall bear the violations and the responsibility for correction.
?How are the target areas for building compliance known
Through the Geographical Explorer of the Compliance Certificate via the Ministry’s website.
?Are there solutions compatible with the Building Compliance Certificate Procedures Manual Draft for placing split air conditioners on building facades
Coordination is being made with the engineering office to provide engineering solutions to address the elements required for the CBC certificate.
?What is the solution if the building contains an independent deed for each apartment
The landlords’ union must issue the certificate
?A beneficiary who has no errors or violations in construction. Will the beneficiary be violated if does not obtain a compliance certificate
Yes, if the building is among the buildings specified for applying the compliance certificate, the certificate must be issued.