Displayed 51 - 60 of 294
Can the employee print the burial certificate?
Yes, the employee can do that, through the burial certificate printing service.
Can the entity receiving a request for approval extend the coordination and approval deadline?
In certain cases determined by the Coordination Office, a request may require
additional time for review. The platform allows adjustments to the request settings,
enabling some entities to extend the coordination and approval deadline.Additionally, the service entity can modify its response from acceptance to rejection
or vice versa, as long as the request has not reached a final acceptance or rejection
status and is still within the coordination and approval period.
additional time for review. The platform allows adjustments to the request settings,
enabling some entities to extend the coordination and approval deadline.Additionally, the service entity can modify its response from acceptance to rejection
or vice versa, as long as the request has not reached a final acceptance or rejection
status and is still within the coordination and approval period.
Can the establishment owner issue a health certificate for the Saudi worker?
Yes, the facility owner can issue a health certificate for Saudi and non-Saudi workers.
Can the health center be changed for workers whose ID type is not the border number?
Yes, it is possible to change the health center for ID types other than the border number in municipalities where this feature is enabled (currently available in Riyadh Municipality).
Can the license activity be modified?
Yes, the activity can be modified through the service (Modification of a Temporary License for a Mobile Store Outlet).
Can the license be issued by the municipality directly?
No, licenses are issued through the Baladi platform.
Can the license be transferred to another person?
● No, the license is issued to an individual and cannot be transferred.
Can the owner of the establishment renew a health certificate for more than one worker in the same application?
Yes, the facility owner can renew a health certificate for more than one worker (Saudi or non-Saudi) with the same request.
Can the reservation site be modified at any time?
Yes, a new site can be selected within the same municipality jurisdiction if the
previous incubator was in a linked municipality (governorate municipality). If the
incubator was in a sub-municipality, a new incubator can be selected within the
scope of all sub-municipalities only.
previous incubator was in a linked municipality (governorate municipality). If the
incubator was in a sub-municipality, a new incubator can be selected within the
scope of all sub-municipalities only.