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تاريخ التحديث

Parking permits service

Through this service, the beneficiary can submit a request to provide a valet parking service in multiple locations, providing a valid commercial activity license for the activity (vehicle parking service). It is also possible to submit more than one permit request for the same license.

Permit for 24-hour commercial activities

An electronic service provided on the Baladi platform, through which the beneficiary can increase the establishment’s working hours by issuing a permit to open the store 24 hours and linking it to the commercial activity license without the need to review the entity.

Permit for a non-food mobile cart

This service enables business owners to expand their businesses by issuing permits for non-food vehicles linked to licenses registered with the facility to provide the facility's services outside the store and in multiple locations. This service is also provided for limited activities such as car washing activities.
Portable cart

Permit to provide home services

This service enables business owners to expand their businesses by issuing permits to provide home services to the establishment's employees to provide the establishment's services outside the store and in multiple locations. These permits are linked to licenses registered with the establishment.

Permit to provide tobacco products

An electronic service provided on the Baladi platform to issue a permit to provide tobacco products on a valid commercial license for establishments licensed for certain commercial activities permitted to practice the service of providing tobacco products without the need to review the entity.

Points Program to Improve classification

Receiving and maintaining all evaluations of establishments that result in positive or negative points to apply their impact on the classification certificate of city service providers, which leads to raising the commitment of establishments and avoiding committing violations that may affect them later.

Project Coordination Report Cancellation Request

An electronic service available on the Balady Platform for government and private sector entities across the Kingdom that hold an approved but unused Project Coordination Report. This service allows eligible entities to submit a Project Coordination Report Cancellation Request through the Balady Portal, including the reason for cancellation. The request undergoes a coordination and approval cycle, and upon acceptance by the Coordination Office, the report is canceled, and the project site is made available to other entities. Additionally, the Coordination Office and the system may automatically cancel a Project Coordination Report if the project does not start within the scheduled timeframe or if a construction permit associated with the report is not issued. This service is provided electronically, without the need for an in-person visit to the government authority.

Project Evaluation Request

عبارة عن خدمة تمكن المقاول من مشاركة نموذج التقييم مع مدراء المشاريع/المقيمين ليتم إجراء عملية التقييم للمقاولين.

Project Plan Modification Request

An electronic service available on the Balady Platform, designed for government and private sector entities across the Kingdom. This service allows users to submit a request to modify a project plan for both scheduled and non-scheduled projects through the Balady Portal. Emergency project plans cannot be modified. The request undergoes a coordination and approval cycle, and upon final acceptance, the project is updated within the Project Plan, and a revised and approved Coordination Report is issued, without the need for an in-person visit to the government authority.

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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