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Seasonal permit service
Through this service, a license for seasonal spatulas can be issued during the seasons that the Municipality / sub-municipality determines, such as the Ramadan season, Hajj season, spring season, or others.
Issuing a site preparation license
A procedure resulting in the issuance of a site preparation license.
Event site permit service
This service allows submitting a request to issue a residence permit for an event to the event organizer, including the location of the event and the duration of the event.
Issuance of a license to correct the status of an existing building
This service allows the beneficiary to issue a building rectification license.
Permit for a non-food mobile cart
This service enables business owners to expand their businesses by issuing permits for non-food vehicles linked to licenses registered with the facility to provide the facility's services outside the store and in multiple locations. This service is also provided for limited activities such as car washing activities.