Displayed 1 - 5 of 5
My Licenses
An electronic service available on the Balady platform that allows beneficiaries to
track their licenses and view the status and details of each license without the need
for in-person visits to the municipality.
track their licenses and view the status and details of each license without the need
for in-person visits to the municipality.
My Requests - Personal Pages
A proactive electronic service available on the Balady platform that allows
beneficiaries to track their requests, view their status and details, without the need
for in-person visits to the municipality.
beneficiaries to track their requests, view their status and details, without the need
for in-person visits to the municipality.
Control Panel
An electronic service provided on the Balady platform, offering a Control Panel
where users can view and manage all their municipal transactions, track the latest
updates on requests and licenses, monitor invoices, violations, objections, appeals,
and personal authorizations without the need for in-person visits.
where users can view and manage all their municipal transactions, track the latest
updates on requests and licenses, monitor invoices, violations, objections, appeals,
and personal authorizations without the need for in-person visits.
Issuance of Establishment Qualification Certificate
An electronic service provided on the Baladi platform to qualify establishments for
the management and maintenance of fuel stations and service centers, without the
need to visit the relevant authority.
the management and maintenance of fuel stations and service centers, without the
need to visit the relevant authority.