Ownership transfer -Immediate building permit

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Ownership transfer -Immediate building permit
  • Construction licenses
  • Individuals
  • Government agencies
  • Real estate
  • Engineering offices
  • Facilities

This service allows the ownership of a building permit to be transferred to the new owner.

service level agreement

1) Log in to Balady portal through Single Sign-On (Absher).
2) Determine the type of owner and applicant.
3) Enter the building permit number (the license number in my country) whose ownership you want to transfer.
4) Enter the new instrument number updated at the Ministry of Justice.
5) Enter the building type data.
6) Choosing the engineering office.
7) Send the application to the engineering office.
8) The engineering office completes the data and prepares the report.
9) The Amana shall adopt the report.

1) Existence of an updated deed for the new owner.
2) Contracting with an engineering office.
3) Pay the service fee.

Find out the list of requirements and government approvals required by type of activity.

Find out the list of instructions and penalties for municipal violations.

الاسئلة الشائعة
What is the procedure when buying a house with an expired building permit, and you want to transfer the license in my name? Is the renewal for the first property owner?
You can apply for the building permit ownership transfer service through the Balady site.
How do I transfer ownership of a building permit?
Through my platform please follow these steps: Select the Baladi services menu > Construction permit services > Transfer ownership of a building permit > Acknowledgment > Determine the region, trust and municipality > Select the capacity of the applicant and the engineering office > Select the data of the new owner, then submit the application > A confirmation message and the application number will appear to him.
Who is authorized to transfer ownership of the construction license?
An ownership transfer request is submitted by the new owner and the authorization request is sent to the classified engineering office.
Who is authorized to transfer ownership of the construction license?
An ownership transfer request is submitted by the new owner and the authorization request is sent to the classified engineering office.
What is the solution if there is land on which there is a building permit and the land was sold to another person and the building is still on the same old license with a (building violation) issued on it for an amount of 3000 riyals?
Ownership of the license must be transferred immediately after the deed is cleared.
How do I transfer ownership of a building permit?
Through my platform please follow these steps: Select the Baladi services menu > Construction permit services > Transfer ownership of a building permit > Acknowledgment > Determine the region, trust and municipality > Select the capacity of the applicant and the engineering office > Select the data of the new owner, then submit the application > A confirmation message and the application number will appear to him.
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Target audience
1 - 10 Days
Service duration
Submit electronically only through Balady portal, Mobile
Service channels
Service release date
Construction licenses
لغات تقديم الخدمة
Fees Calculator
Service Cost
Service Cost

Payment Channels

  • Sadad

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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