Issuance of a mobile Cart license

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Issuance of a mobile Cart license
  • Mobile shop services
  • Individuals
  • Incubator
  • Portable cart
  • Investor

Through this service, you can start doing business for individuals by issuing a mobile cart license without the need for a commercial registry.

service level agreement

1) Limit activity by permitted activities.
2) Determine the route and fill in the cart details.
3) Send the application to the municipality.
4) Payment of fees after approval by the municipality.

1) Interior and exterior image of the cart.
2) Vehicle form for roaming cart.

Find out the list of requirements and government approvals required by type of activity.

Read the executive instructions of the list of fines and penalties for municipal violations.

الاسئلة الشائعة
Is the freelance work certificate issued proactively upon the issuance of a mobile cart license?
Yes, the freelance work certificate is issued proactively after completing the mobile cart license issuance request and settling the invoice.
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Target audience
1 - 5 Days
Service duration
Submit electronically only through Balady portal, Mobile
Service channels
Service release date
Mobile shop services
لغات تقديم الخدمة
Fee calculator
Service Cost
Service Cost

Payment Channels

  • Sadad

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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