Coordination Reports

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Coordination Reports
  • Major Project Coordination Services

An electronic service available on the Balady Platform for government and private sector entities across the Kingdom, enabling them to view and track coordination reports for successfully coordinated projects, check the status of each report, and search for specific reports using various filters. Users can also view, print, and manage coordination reports without the need for an in-person visit to the government authority.

  • The user logs into the Major Project Coordination Platform on Balady and verifies their role as either (Establishment Owner/Manager) via the Ministry of Commerce or an authorized representative through the Municipal Authorization Service.
  • The user selects Balady Services, then Major Project Coordination Services, and chooses Coordination Reports.
  • A list of issued coordination reports related to the user’s entity is displayed, with an option to search using various filters.

The user must verify their role as (Establishment Owner/Manager) via the Ministry of Commerce or as an authorized representative through the Municipal Authorization Service.

الاسئلة الشائعة
What happens if an entity fails to provide a response within the specified coordination period?
If an entity fails to submit its response within the designated period, the system will automatically record a default response on its behalf. The Coordination Office sets the parameters for this automatic response, which is usually "Automatic Approval" unless the office decides otherwise.
What is the duration of the coordination process?
The duration of the coordination process is determined by the Infrastructure Projects Coordination Office based on its discretion. Coordination and approval entities must provide their responses to incoming requests within this period when they receive a new request requiring their input.
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Individuals, Governmental Entities, Facilities, Charitable Entities
Target audience
Service duration
Submit electronically only through Balady portal
Service channels
Service release date
Major Project Coordination Services
لغات تقديم الخدمة
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Service Cost

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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