Classification/Qualification Certificate Verification

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Classification/Qualification Certificate Verification
  • City Service Providers Classification

An electronic service provided through the Balady platform to search and verify
classification and qualification certificates without the need to visit the authority.

service level agreement

صورة الخدمة الداخلية

1. Basic Search:
○ Search by (Certificate Number, Engineering License Number,
Contractor/Engineering Office Name, Unified National Number).

2. Advanced Search:
○ If the above information is unavailable, users can search using
mandatory fields:
■ Classification Type
■ Classification Field
■ City
○ Users can refine search results for greater accuracy by entering:
■ Establishment Activity
■ Certificate Grade
■ Certificate Expiry Date
■ Establishment Phone Number
■ Service Type

  • No conditions
الاسئلة الشائعة
What is the correct procedure to request a contract with an engineering office?
When the user clicks (Request Contract with Office), the system redirects to the Saudi Council of Engineers for contracting. This option appears only in search results for engineering offices.
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Target audience
Service duration
Submit electronically only through Balady portal, Mobile
Service channels
Service release date
City Service Providers Classification
عربي, إنجليزي
لغات تقديم الخدمة
Service Cost
Service Cost

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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