1. Log into the Balady platform via (National Access - Absher).
2. Select Craft Licensing Service → Cancel a Craft License.
3. Review the service card and agree to the service terms.
4. Verify the mobile number.
5. Select the applicant type (self, business owner, or authorized representative).
6. If the craftsman issued the license, they can cancel it and specify the reason
for cancellation, provided that they were the original issuer.
7. If the business owner or authorized representative issued the license, they will
see a list of workers under their business record. They can select the
worker(s) whose craft license(s) need to be canceled and specify the reason
for each cancellation.
The worker, business owner, or authorized representative must be the one who originally issued the craft license in order to cancel it.
A valid craft license is required to proceed with cancellation.
Only the issuer of the craft license is allowed to cancel it.