Open Data

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What is Open-Data?

open data is accessible, editable, exploitable, and shared by anyone for any purpose, open-data is free of cost without any limitations through open-data platforms, Any entity, user, or party can use and share the data.

The point of Open-Data:

  • Enable individuals to understand better what MOMRAH's e-portal provides for open-data access.

  • Promote transparency by providing access to open-open data beneficiaries and users.

  • Encouraging innovation and economic growth by using data for institutions and individuals adds value and services.

  • Stimulating and supporting scientific research by conducting research and studies based on published information and statistics.

Open-Data Principles:

  • The origin of data is to be available: ensures that the data of public entities are available to all by disclosing, enabling access, or using it, unless it requires non-disclosure or protection of its privacy or confidentiality.
  • Open format and the auto reading: the provided availability of data in a machine-readable format that allows it to be processed automatically so that it is saved in commonly used file formats such as CSV, XLS, JSON or X, ML.
  • Up-to-date data: All published data must be updated frequently, as well as to use the latest version of open data sets, and all the collected data must be published immediately 
  • inclusiveness: Open datasets must be comprehensive and contain as many details as possible, and reflect registered data in a manner that does not contradict the Personal Data Protection Policy. Descriptive data that shows and explains the raw data should also be included, with explanations or equations that show how the data should be derived or calculated.

  • Non-discrimination: Making data sets available to everyone without discrimination and without the need for registration. Anyone can access published open data at any time without the need to verify the identity or provide justification for access.

  • No fees: All open data is free of cost for everyone.

  • Open-data license: Open data is subject to a license that defines the legal basis for using open data and the terms, obligations, and restrictions imposed on the user. The use of open data also indicates acceptance of the license terms.

  • Developing the governance model: Involvement of all Open data enables access and participation for all, enhances transparency and accountability of public entities, and supports decision-making and service delivery.

  •  Innovation and Comprehensive development: Entities play an effective role in promoting the reuse of open data and providing the necessary supporting resources and expertise. Entities must work in an integrated way among the relevant parties to enable the next generation of innovators in the field of open data and to involve individuals, institutions, and everyone in general in unlocking the capabilities of open data.



The national open-data platform

Open-data request

Open-data Policy

Tafaul Platform

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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