Studying and designing a smart cities platform for managing municipal assets in the cities of Guests of Rahman (the integrated cloud center for control and leadership)

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Studying and designing a smart cities platform for managing municipal assets in the cities of Guests of Rahman (the integrated cloud center for control and leadership)

With the spread of the smart city application and the additional reliance on related technologies, the cities of Guests of Rahman (Makkah - Madinah - Jeddah - Taif - Jamoum) will need a command and control center as part of an integrated cloud center for command and control at the Kingdom level so that it is effective for managing all aspects of smart city projects. and its origins. This includes the management and operations of all aspects of the smart city including smart security cameras, smart parking lots, first responders, traffic and congestion management, smart waste management, smart water solutions, smart street lights and more.

* In this initiative, we need to consider the application of the regional administration of the city at the level of the Kingdom so that a center is established in each city and all centers are linked under an integrated cloud control and command center that works to link the center with the rest of the other cities through the highest level of control and control.

It includes the study, design, development and implementation of the Smart Cities platform for managing municipal assets for smart infrastructure and the development of an integrated set of applications that manage all the works of the cities of the Guests of Rahman (Makkah - Madinah - Jeddah - Taif - Jamoum) and ensure the flow of business, movement and services provided within the city and deal immediately with Its events are in real time and obtain unified performance indicators through which officials can evaluate the overall service provided in cities and not as separate services. The basic applications contained in the initiative are as follows:

Cleaning Operations Management Application - Emergency Incident Management Application - Service Area Management Application - Reporting and Communication Management Application - Hajj Environment Management Application - Movement Dynamic Maps Application - Tracking and Guidance Management Application for Pilgrims and Umrah Performers - Hajj Smart Gate Application - Hajj Assets Management Application - Supply, Installation and Operation Providing self-service channels through self-service machines. The initiative is divided into two main operations:

1- Study and design work 2- Implementation and operation

Start Date
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initiatives Status
Initiatives Sector
أفراد - أعمال
Initiatives Activity
الخدمات البلدية والإسكان
National Transformation Program

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