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تاريخ التحديث

Submit a request for classification certificate or immediate accreditation

This use case describes the mechanism for requesting a business classification certificate by the user if he has not previously had a classification certificate.

Project Evaluation Request

عبارة عن خدمة تمكن المقاول من مشاركة نموذج التقييم مع مدراء المشاريع/المقيمين ليتم إجراء عملية التقييم للمقاولين.

Permit for a non-food mobile cart

This service enables business owners to expand their businesses by issuing permits for non-food vehicles linked to licenses registered with the facility to provide the facility's services outside the store and in multiple locations. This service is also provided for limited activities such as car washing activities.
Portable cart

Issuance of a license to correct the status of an existing building

This service allows the beneficiary to issue a building rectification license.
Real estate
Engineering offices

The service of objecting to the expiration of the license before submitting the application due to a technical problem

When the beneficiary wishes to renew his commercial license and encounters a technical error in the Baladi system, which led to the termination of the license, he can submit an objection request through this service, and after verification by the competent team, the renewal of the license will be available without calculating the fines fees.

Correction of building permit data

A service that allows the beneficiary to submit a request to correct license data and send it to the licensing supervisor in the municipality/secretariat for approval or rejection.
Government agencies
Real estate
Engineering offices

Objection service for cancellation fees

A new supportive service that allows the beneficiary to object to the invoice issued with the automatic cancellation request or the cancellation request submitted by the beneficiary with the ability to specify the objected items and enter the reason for the objection and the ability to attach an attachment.

The application is sent to the Objections Review Committee, and the committee is given options (rejecting the application, accepting the application in part, accepting the application in full).

Event site permit service

This service allows submitting a request to issue a residence permit for an event to the event organizer, including the location of the event and the duration of the event.

Commercial activity license renewal service

This service allows owners of commercial activities to correct and update commercial license data and send it to the municipality for approval, through the Balady platform, without the need to visit the Municipality.

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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