Modification of Classification Grade and Field

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Modification of Classification Grade and Field
  • City Service Providers Classification

An electronic service available on the Balady platform that allows beneficiaries to
modify the classification grade and field without the need to visit the relevant

● The user selects (City Service Providers Classification) from the services list on the Balady platform.
● The user clicks (Start Service) on the (Modify Classification Grade and Field) card and logs into the system.
● The Business Classification main screen appears.
● The user selects the classification type (Establishments Classification or Engineering Offices Classification).
● The user enters the Unified National Number for establishments or the License Number for engineering offices and clicks (Verify).
● The system checks if the certificate was issued more than 90 days ago or if 90 days have passed since the last modification. If eligible, the user clicks (Next).
● The system displays the establishment’s retrieved data from the Ministry of Commerce, including classified activities and fields. The user clicks (Next).
● The system presents the (Technical Grade) screen, allowing the user to select classification fields.
● After selecting fields, a dedicated section appears for each chosen field. The user processes the technical evaluation requests and clicks (Next).
● The system displays the (Project Data and Performance Record) screen, which is optional. The user may enter project data or skip this step and click (Next).
● The system presents the (Credit Rating) screen, where the user selects a pathway and enters the required data.
● Once all requirements are met, the user clicks (Submit).

● The system forwards the request to the General Classification Administration for approval.
● After approval, the user can print the Classification Certificate.

1. A valid Classification Certificate.
2. At least 90 days must have passed since the certificate issuance or the last modification.

الاسئلة الشائعة
How is the classification certificate modified?
The user submits a modification request via the Classification Grade Modification Service, and the system processes the request to issue a new certificate if the conditions are met. ● Modifications are allowed starting from the 91st day after issuance and up to 90 days before expiration. ● One modification is permitted every three months. ● Any number of modifications can be made within the allowed period. ● A new version of the certificate is issued with the same certificate number and expiration date (only the version number, classification grade, and activities are updated). ● A new financial and technical evaluation is required.
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المكاتب الهندسية , Establishments
Target audience
1 - 15 Days
Service duration
Submit electronically only through Balady portal, Mobile
Service channels
Service release date
City Service Providers Classification
عربي, إنجليزي
لغات تقديم الخدمة
Service Cost
Service Cost
الرسائل النصية (SMS)

Payment Channels

  • Sadad
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Mada

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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