What does the questionnaire consist of?

The questionnaire consists of two parts:
1. Part One (Mandatory) – Focuses on core functions.
2. Part Two (Optional) – Covers strategic and support functions.
● The questionnaire contains (89 questions).
● Each question within the functional sections offers (three answer choices), and the beneficiary may select only one option per question.
● Answers can be edited before submission.
● Completing the questionnaire takes approximately (7 to 15 minutes).
● The questionnaire remains active for (one week) from the time the link is received.

تعليقات واقتراحات

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تاريخ آخر تحديث: - المملكة العربية السعودية
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يرجى عدم تضمين معلومات شخصية أو مالية. سيتم إرسال تعليقك وتسجيله لغرض تحسين الخدمات في منصة بلدي

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